I love photographs, and I love my camera. It gives me loads of control over the settings, I can change between (an ever growing collection of) lenses for different effects. However, I looked at the personal pictures I've made over the last few months and well over half have used my phone. I thought I should share some of the reasons for this.

Its always in my pocket or handbag - so it's with me when I go to places where
I'd never think to take the camera
The key to taking better pictures is learning to see images, and this doesn't only happen when I am intending to take photographs. I spotted the shadows zig-zagging down the steps as I walked up to the supermarket. It took a couple of seconds to pull the phone from my pocket, and I'm pleased I did.

It takes great close-ups. There's probably some complex physics behind this, but basically the small gap between the lens and the sensor means that more of the image is sharp. If you want a nice soft background to your portrait this might be a problem (though software in cameras is helping this all the time) but if you are taking a picture of a flower and want everything sharp it's brilliant.

It doesn't distract the other people you are with. As I've said, I love photography, but I also love spending time with family and friends. I was sat chatting in a friends garden, and noticed the reflections on my sunglasses on the table. A "selfie" of my husband and I - and no-one realised I had taken it until I shared the image afterwards.

It's quick, so you can grab a moment. Some things move quickly, and the phone in your pocket can make an image before they change. This shield bug had landed on my window, and only settled for a few seconds. If I'd tried to fetch the camera, then it would have long flown away.
My phone is unlikely to take a photograph I could turn into a large poster on the wall, but it certainly means I make lots of images that I couldn't in any other way.
My top tips for photos with your phone
think about what is in the photo, and move closer (or change your viewpoint) to exclude anything you don’t want
turn your phone horizontally if this shape fits the picture you are making
try a really low or a high viewpoint - the interesting picture often isn’t at eye-level
look for beautiful light, interesting patterns or unusual shapes
if you want to focus on pictures without being distracted - put it on airplane mode (or at least turn off most notifications and put it on silent)
use the camera features to process your image (or download an app - I often use Snapseed)
and most importantly
Have fun.